Perforating #aacu16 Annual Meeting

snowzillaLast month (during the epic Snowzilla), Maha Bali, Christina Hendricks, Janine DeBaise, and I presented a talk at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Annual Meeting (#aacu16). Maha and I spoke (Maha via Google Hangout) and Christina and Janine contributed writing and ideas in advance. Maha has also recently mentioned the talk in an article for CHE’s Profhacker blog.

Below are our slides. The talk centered on the game #TvsZ but went much farther to think about how connecting students at across, among, and between different institutions, countries, and time zones contributes not only to global digital literacies but also creates an immersive, peer-driven learning environment, achieving what Gardner Campbell calls “digitally mediated networked learning” in a recent Educause article.

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