As Associate Dean and Professor of English at Whittier College, my portfolio includes directing the college’s marquee curriculum, the Whittier Scholars Program, which scaffolds individualized degree pathways that include an off-campus learning experience, undergraduate research, and faculty and peer mentoring. In 2013 I founded the Digital Liberal Arts Program (DigLibArts), which supports both faculty development and curricular renewal to empower students from diverse backgrounds to become flexible learners who will thrive across virtual and physical spaces. I have been a recipient of an NEH Summer Institute Fellowship, and am Principle Investigator on Andrew W. Mellon Foundation grants totaling $1.45 million to foster digital scholarship and liberal arts curriculum renewal. My publications include articles on Conrad, Kipling, Austen, and digital pedagogy. Visit DigLibArts or Whittier Scholars to learn more about my current projects, or connect with me on Twitter @profrehn. I’d love to hear from you!