(Click HERE to jump to links.)
Yesterday I asked a question on Twitter and Facebook:
Do you know of a #DH project or tool that addresses a social justice issue? I know this is a broad request, but I’m looking to compile a list of interesting projects for students to analyze. Plz share links, resources, or references and I’ll share the list we come up with.
In less than 24 hours, I’ve received dozens of links and suggestions, and also many requests to share the list. To make sharing and contributions simpler, I’ve created an open Diigo Outline, which you can access here, or see below.
First–thanks to everyone who has sent links and resources. Please keep adding–this is a huge area, and the more work we collect the better for our students/scholars/activists.
Michelle Moravec asked a crucial question about the method and scope of my request:
Are you looking for just contemporary social justice or historical?
As you see from the list below, I’ve included both and tried to tag and categorize to make finding easier.
The inspiration for my request comes from a class titled “Just Hacking” I will be team-teaching with my colleague Bill Kronholm in Fall 2015. Here’s the catalog description:
“Hacking” is often viewed as a criminal endeavor; however, at its core it is the art of creative problem solving. In this course students will hack the information flow of new media to conceptualize, design, and implement responses to real-world social justice issues. As a class, we will identify a specific issue and then learn data visualization, basic programming, and/or design skills as needed to build a project to address it. No prior programming experience is assumed. 4 credits. CON2
The course is designed for people with no prior programming experience who share a conviction that we are all responsible for improving our world. Students will learn efficient problem-solving and basic coding (especially Python) using an applied project-based learning approach in which they will collectively identify a social problem, design potential projects to address it, select an approach, learn the skills they need to implement their choice, and then collaboratively implement their solution. The course will teach basic programming skills as a literacy that can help address social problems, while also exploring ways technological solutionism can obscure or exacerbate existing social problems.
I’d love your feedback and thoughts about our concept. We are developing the course modules this summer, and the projects on this list will be both inspirations and opportunities for students to analyze existing projects in order to imagine what is possible, what can be improved, and what works.
Diigo DH and Social Justice Outliner:
DH and Social Justice
socialjustice DH projects strive to be: “sustained, engaged, reciprocal” (Bill Hart-Davidson)
This list is the work of many many many people sharing links and resources. Please contribute and keep the list growing! (The organizing categories are evolving as the list grows.)
New media projects
The LatiNegrxs Project
Tumblr blog aggregating and promoting narratives and perspectives of people who identify as racially Black and ethnically Latin@
The Knotted Line
“The Knotted Line is an interactive, tactile laboratory for exploring the historical relationship between freedom and confinement in the geographic area of the United States. “
Researching Ferguson Update: Previewing MITH’s Teach Ins for #BlackLivesMatter at UMD – Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities
summary of workshop topics on DH social justice
Kairos 19.3: Goodling, MOAR Digital Activism, Please – Index
We Happy Trans – A Place for Sharing Positive Trans* Perspectives
collection & community of transpeople sharing positive experiences
Transborder Immigrant Tool | b.a.n.g. lab and Electronic Disturbance Theater 2.0
tool/art project to assist migrants to safe water sources while crossing the US/Mexico border
I’m From Driftwood | The LGBTQ Story Archive
crowdsourced and curated LGBTQ digital storytelling project
Public History Projects
About the Soweto ‘76 Archive > Soweto ’76 Archive
historically recreated immersive urban environment experience supported by archival materials
interactive searchable mapped collection of photographs of US life during Great Depression and WWII
Main menu | AIDS Quilt Touch
interactive, searchable version of the AIDS Quilt
Black at Bryn Mawr | Past as Legacy and Project: Re-Remembering Black Experiences at Bryn Mawr College
Student-created project of black history on campus
Crossroads Home
local public history project (Memphis)
The Negro Travelers’ Green Book, Spring 1956 – University of South Carolina Libraries
Beyond the Footnotes
Scalar project exploring traces of (lesbian) women’s liberation activists marginalized in many collections/histories
African American AIDS History Project
Quist | Bringing you today’s LGBTQ history
App that delivers “this day in LGBTQ history”
– Penal Press
History of Prisons and prison journalism written by prisoners
Maps and mapping projects
Ken Gonzales-Day
Tour of Los Angeles lynchings
Interactive Map of Race and Real Estate in Cleveland
interactive map of redlining in Cleveland, OH
About / Acerca de Nosotros — Anti-Eviction Mapping Project
anti-eviction in Bay Area
Mapping Police Violence
map and interactive database of 2014 police violence against Black people
Take Back the Archive
beginning of public history project on campus sexual violence
books, articles, tweets, and other scholarship
Around DH in 80 Days
Tour through global DH projects
Introduction: Digital Humanities, Public Humanities – nanocrit.com
intro to issue on intersections of DH, social justice, cultural criticism
Digital Samaritans
JIM RIDOLFO | Samaritan Keyboard for OSX, Windows, and Linux
Kairos 19.3: Goodling, MOAR Digital Activism, Please – Index
Social Media and Academic Surveillance: The Ethics of Digital Bodies by Dorothy Kim | Model View Culture
Digital Rhetoric: Theory, Method, Practice
free online book
Bill Hart-Davidson on Twitter: “@Profrehn @adelinekoh @anitaconchita @lizlosh @ridolfoj sustained, engaged & reciprocal….1 small but cool example: http://t.co/1PB0ME5J5f”
The Tragedy of the Digital Commons – The Atlantic
article on strategies for achieving safe online spaces
About | #ADPhD
collection of Atlantic African Diaspora scholarship
Apps, CMSs, interactive tools, etc.
Home – Mukurtu CMS
REFUGE Restrooms
crowd-sourcing safe restroom for transgender, intersex, and gender noncomforming people. Map and open source database.
Not Your Baby on the App Store on iTunes
iPhone app helps user respond to situations of sexual harrassment
Story Map Tour | Story Maps
Story Map app creator from Esri
Quist | Bringing you today’s LGBTQ history
App that delivers “this day in LGBTQ history”
walkingtools » About Walking Tools
app maker for “computational mediation of peripatetic behavior”
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