#dLRN15: Collaboration as Praxis

In mid-October, I got to attend and present at the awesome #dLRN15 held at Stanford. The conference brought together many friends in the fields of education technology, digital humanities, and academic computing. Some of these are new friends, some long standing, and some friendships existed largely online or via Twitter before the conference. It was a blast to connect with so many people who are engaged with questions similar to my own–and to do so both virtually and in person.... Read More | Share it now!

On Being: #ConferenceBuddy at HASTAC2015

Yesterday, on the final day of HASTAC 2015, I joined an online hangout as a “conference buddy” facilitating discussion between two other HASTAC participants, Mia Zamora and Ana Salter, and a number of online friends, Maha Bali, Rebecca Hogue, and others. (View the hangout here.) I’d participated in this kind of informal virtual conference chat once before, at #et4online, but this time I acted as the convener, bringing together the conference attendees in a quiet space so that we could chat with those participating from elsewhere.... Read More | Share it now!
